Automatic L Seal Cutting Machine with Shrink Tunnel

Efficient and versatile, shrink wrapping machines are tailored for fruits, vegetables, and a variety of products. These machines ensure hygienic sealing and preservation, maintaining freshness with precision. Ideal for diverse packaging needs across industries.

Why Use?

  • Tailored for fruits, vegetables, and diverse products
  • Ensures hygienic sealing and preservation
  • Maintains freshness with precision
  • Versatile for various packaging needs

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A shrink wrap machine is a fully automatic, unmanned L-sealing cutter, widely used for high-efficiency production lines. It features automatic film feeding and perforating devices, along with an adjustable product infeed conveying table to accommodate various product requirements.

Key Features:

1. Enables unmanned packaging, compatible with production lines.
2. Compact design reduces packaging volume for easier transportation.
3. Minimizes waste film margin, leading to less film consumption.
4. Suitable for a wide range of applications.

Additional Features:

– Versatile application for different product types.
– Cost-effective model, ideal for beginners in automatic sealing.
– Equipped with safety protection cover and alarm system.
– Automatic feeding with length adjustment controlled by sensors and a timer.
– Adjustable perforator device.
– Durable brush design.
– PID system-controlled sealing temperature.
– Integrated L-shaped Teflon-coated sealing blades.
– Transparent window to view the shrinking process.
– Options for roll conveyor belt, TEFLON mesh belt, or stainless steel mesh belt.
– Inner insulated shell ensures uniform temperature.
– Adjustable conveyor belt speed via an electric speed controller.


1. Combined with BS-X series shrink tunnel for heat shrinkable films like PVC, POF, PP, etc.
2. Suitable for single and combined packaging of items such as cookies, books, CDs, glassware, tissue, paper cards, photo frames, aluminum sections, woodwork, etc.
3. Best used in spacious locations like factories and warehouses.

Shrink packaging machinery offers several benefits:

  1. Product Protection: Shrink film provides a protective barrier against dust, moisture, and tampering, helping to preserve the quality and integrity of the packaged products during storage and transportation.
  2. Enhanced Presentation: Shrink packaging creates a visually appealing, professional-looking package that enhances product presentation and shelf appeal, making products more attractive to consumers.
  3. Space Saving: Shrink packaging creates tightly wrapped packages that take up less space, allowing for efficient storage, handling, and transportation of products.
  4. Tamper Evidence: Shrink packaging provides tamper-evident seals that show if a package has been opened or tampered with, enhancing product security and consumer confidence.
  5. Customization: Shrink packaging machinery can accommodate a wide range of product shapes, sizes, and configurations, allowing for customized packaging solutions tailored to specific products and packaging requirements.
  6. Efficiency: Shrink packaging machinery automates the packaging process, increasing efficiency, reducing labor costs, and improving throughput compared to manual packaging methods.

Overall, shrink packaging machinery is a versatile and efficient packaging solution used across various industries to package products securely, protect them during transit, and enhance their visual appeal on store shelves.